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Angela Chen
Apr 9, 20244 min read
Approaches to juvenile justice move backward, not forward in the Washington metropolitan area.
Pending legislation in Maryland and recently passed legislation in Washington D.C. move approaches to youth justice in the area backward...
Nyia McCree
Apr 9, 20244 min read
From jazz to hip-hop to rap: The policing of lyrical expression for criminal trials.
“Hey, this that slime sh**/hey, YSL sh**/hey, killin’ 12 sh**/hey, f**k jail sh**/hey.” Jeffery Williams, aka Young Thug, rapped these...
Kayla Regan
Mar 20, 20244 min read
Statute of limitations: Supporting victims of sex abuse
TW: Sexual Violence Most people have heard of the common legal principle of statutes of limitations, but just how the limitations apply...
Tyler Belt
Mar 1, 20243 min read
Progressive prosecution, data dashboards and transparency.
After 16 years as the top prosecutor in Montgomery County, Maryland, John McCarthy found himself in an unfamiliar position: convincing...
Matt Petrillo
Feb 27, 20244 min read
Ukraine & Palestine: Prosecuting heritage destruction as a war crime.
TW: Genocide, War Crimes Few things embody a people like their great monuments and few blows strike harder at their hearts as does the...
Jordan Stevenson
Feb 27, 20244 min read
Revenge porn: Four barriers to prosecuting the crime.
TW: Sex Crimes, Sexual Abuse Revenge porn, often referred to as “non-consensual pornography” or “image-based sexual abuse” (“IBSA”), is a...
Mackenzie Kiefer
Feb 6, 20242 min read
Rejecting blanket prosecution policies post-Dobbs.
After Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, dozens of prosecutors across the United States have made a conscious choice to...
Bennett Nuss, Devin Iorio, Siena Roberts
Apr 30, 20236 min read
Legal tracking: Plea deals are an unjust bargain
The United States criminal court system is generally overwhelmed. According to the United States Sentencing Commission, 57,377 defendants...
Bennett Nuss
Jun 6, 20223 min read
Legal tracking: Malicious prosecution at issue in Thompson v. Clarke
Malicious prosecution is a major problem in the United States. The Washington Post found government misconduct in some manner caused over...
Bennett Nuss
Feb 19, 20224 min read
Legal tracking: Concepcion v. United States
The Supreme Court heard oral argument this term in a case that could substantively change how low-risk prisoners apply for resentencing...
Lucy Delves
Jan 17, 20222 min read
All you have to do is take a class: Is this really the solution to domestic violence?
When someone perpetrates domestic violence, the solution agreed upon by both parties and the court is often to send the abuser to a...
Margaret Helein
Nov 17, 20213 min read
Impartial or ignorant? How “impartiality” is an excuse to exclude Black jurors from courtrooms
The jury has finally been selected for the trial of Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael, and William “Roddie” Bryan for the killing of...
Siena Richardson
Oct 25, 20213 min read
Survivors want safety, not longer sentences
For decades, lawmakers have justified “tough on crime” sentencing regimes by invoking the desires of crime survivors, particularly survivors
Spencer Griffin
Feb 26, 20184 min read
Criminalizing cyberbullying: An apolitical solution
Nikolas Cruz marched onto Stoneman Douglas High School equipped with an AR-15 and a black duffel bag stuffed with bullets. This shooting...
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